Return Policy
Welcome to The Style Loft. We appreciate your business, and want you to love our online store and our trends.
We have a strict 15 day return policy, it will begin when item is shipped. Our items sell quickly, and we cannot guarantee an exchange will be available.
All Custom Graphics are ALL SALES FINAL! Unless there is a defect with the product.
All returns must be in perfect condition without signs of wear, odors, and tags in place.
If you happen to receive an item that is damaged/defective you have 15 days to return the item for a refund in the same payment form.
We will credit you for returns that are in our specified time period.
If a product is out of stock we will refund your payment.
Once received, returns are processed in 3-5 business days and we will credit your account minus the shipping fees.
You are responsible for shipping an item back to us at your cost and pay shipping to resend.
We try to keep our prices fair and cannot absorb extra shipping charges. We do not refund shipping. We appreciate your business and will do our best to work with you on returns.
Thank you for shopping with the The Style Loft!
Questions please email us @